Sunday, 26 April 2009

AV Element

I decided on a theme for my AV piece a while back; Fast Living - the idea I had was to represent how fast my life is going by, by using the Fast Cut technique that Edgar Wright uses in both Hot Fuzz an Shaun of the Dead. I wanted to show a persons life zooming by from birth to death including all major life events in a 3 minute film (max) using this technique to show them. However it's reached the point where I have accepted I don't really have the resources to make that happen, and I definatly can't afford the props I would need, so I have altered my idea slightly, here it is:

Keeping the 3 minutes (max) length of the film I'm going to set my film over the period of a day, so that works out as I have to squeeze 8 hours in every minute, which I like because it means the film should have a fast pace, helping get across the Fast Living aspect. It will start at waking up, end going to bed, obviosly I'll have to include regular activites to keep the films structure (likely to be meals) but in between them there's going to be activites that help to define me, so things that I would do in a day that other might not.

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