Thursday, 4 December 2008

Narratives Stage 3 - Main Idea

I've come to a final decision that my flash production's theme will be a football match - might be a bit boyish, but hey, it's mainly guys on this course anyway.

The Story - It's 2v2 in extra time, England vs. Germany World Cup Final (so cliché), Germany have just scored and are pressing hard, we're into the last 5 minutes and it's all up to you (the user).

It's going to start with an England kick-off; the user plays the role of an attacker - the players wont have names in order to give the project a timeless feel. The user can make various choices over the last 5 minutes, each resulting in one of four final outcomes; one - sent off (resulting in losing the game); two - conceding (resulting in losing the game); three - assisting in a goal (resulting in winning the game); four - scoring (resulting in winning the game).

I hope to add in a feature at the end of the animation, basically match stats, showing your players overall rating (out of 10) - this score not only depends on the final outcome, but choices made during the game, i.e. choosing to run with the ball and losing it would result in a lower score, but choosing to pass would result in a higher score. This feature is to make every choice count, making the project repayable various times before getting the same final outcome, making it more interesting for longer.

Audio - I'm completely new to Adobe Flash, so I'm not sure what I’ll be capable of, however I have ideas in mind in terms of audio. Clicking buttons will result in a sound of a ball being kicked, depending on choices the user makes it may be different, i.e. if you choose to foul someone a whistle may be blown or the crowd may shriek or boo. I think ambience is also important, so there may faint crowd noises between choices.

Anyway that's what I intend to create, hopefully I can, hopefully I can do more, we'll see.

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